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Now downloading free:Tektronix 7B71 SM

Tektronix 7B71 SM free download

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Page S E CTIO N 1 SPECI F ICATIONS Introduction 1-1 E lectrical Characteristics 1-1 Sweep Rate 1-1 Sweep Accu racy 1-1 Sweep L engt h 1-1 Sweep Hol d-Off Time 1-1 Variable -Time Delay 1-1 Delay Time Accuracy 1-1 Multi p lier Incremental L inearity 1-1 J itter 1-1 Differential Ti me Measurement Accuracy 1-2 Trigger Sensitivity 1-2 Internal Trigger J itter 1-2 External T rigger In p ut 1-2 L evel R ange 1-2 - Auto Sensitivity 1-2 E nviron men tal Characteristics Altitude 1-2 Physical Characteristics F inish 1-2 Dime n sions 1-2 Weight 1-2 SECTION 2 OP ERATI NG I NSTR UCTIO NS General 2-1 Installation 2-1 F ront P anel Controls 2-1 Test Setu p C hart 2-4 General Op erating Infor mation 2-4 Swee p Calibration Chec k 2-4 Si mplified Op erating Instructions 2-6 Normal Swee p 2-6 M agnifie d Swee p 2-6 Delaye d Swee p 2-6 Push button Switch Logic 2-6 Triggered L ight 2-7 Trigger M o d e 2-7 Trigger Cou p ling 2-9 Trigger Source 2-10 Trigger Slo p e 2-10 Trigger Level 2-10 Hori z ontal Swee p Rate 2-12 Swee p Magnifier 2-12 Hori z ontal Position Control 2-13 Page SECTION 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (cont) Applications

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